KUA is registered body under
Registrar of Societies.
Bangalore Urban District.
Registration no SDR/BLU/DR/3721 2009-10
Rules & Regulations
Name :
The name of this organization shall be Karnataka Urology Association (KUA). The office of the Society shall be located at a place suitable to the Hon. Secretary of the Society. Except when expressly specified, the word ‘Association’ hereafter shall mean KUA.
Jurisdiction :
There shall be no limitation of jurisdiction.
Purpose and Objectives :
- To promote high standards in the practice of urology
- To further the academic interests of its members
- To create and foster a spirit of goodwill and understanding amongst its members and between the Association and other similar organizations
- To conduct regular scientific sessions to help its members refresh and update their professional knowledge
- To promote research in Urology or other disciplines for the purpose of improving the practice of Urology
- To undertake such activities as to put the Association on sound financial footing to further the above mentioned objectives
Membership :
Full Members :
- Shall be registered qualified urologist interested in and practicing full time in Urology
- Membership of the USI/ Association of southern Urologists is not mandatory for the membership of the Association
Associate Members :
- Shall be M.Ch Urology / D.N.B. Urology postgraduate students undergoing training at recognized institution in Karnataka or neighboring state.
- Validity for associate member is three years
Affiliate Members :
- Persons possessing a Masters degree qualification from a recognized institution in Physics/Biotechnology/Biomedical engineering/Nursing/Chemistry and allied fields and having a minimum of 3 years work in Urology or basic sciences related to urology shall be eligible
Application for full or associate or affiliate membership has to be done online in webpage http://kua.in/online-registration/Registration.php. The online membership application will be scrutinised by Hon. Secretary along with Executive Council. Acceptance of membership will then need to be ratified at the next General Body Meeting (GBM). The general body reserves the right to review the same in case of any inadvertencies or discrepancies in submission.
Fees :
The charges for full, associate or affiliate membership is Rs. 2360 (inclusive of 18% GST) which is to be paid online at the time of membership registration.
All members, full, associate and affiliate members will be given KUA ID by the Hon. Secretary along with login ID and password for logging in KUA membership area of the website. For full member KUA ID shall be E001. For associate members, from December 2022, we have changed the numbering format and they will have KUA ID as number yyyy-mm-xxx. Which means if Sandeep Sharma has joined as new associate member in February 2023. Then his KUA ID will be 2023-02-001 (001 is the first serial number after 2022 November GBM and before 2023 November GBM. The next associate member will get KUA ID 2023-02-002. Once Sandeep Sharma applies for full member – He will get eg: KUA ID S112. Basically the aim is to avoid given Alphabet serial numbers for associate members, as If they leave after PG course to their native state, other than Karnataka, we can delete them without affecting Alphabet serial numbers. The same applies for affiliate members.
Conversion from associate to full membership :
There is no additional charge for this. But the member has to apply for this conversion online through his/her KUA login ID and passwords provided and upload soft copy of urology degree certificate. Acceptance of conversion in membership will then need to be ratified at the next GBM.
In case the associate member after completing their Urology course are leaving Karnataka state and going their native state and do not want to convert to full KUA membership, they can mail to secretary and get their names deleted from the KUA registry. There would be no refund of membership registration fees.
The Hon. Secretary will send a 2 emails to associate members over a period of 2 weeks (3 years after their joining as associate member) and if they do not reply their KUA associate membership will be deleted from the KUA registry. The same will be intimated in the next GBM.
Rights of members :
- Only full members have right to vote and become office bearer of KUA
- Associate or affiliate members are not eligible to vote or become office bearer in KUA
- All classes of members shall have the right to attend any scientific proceedings of KUA
- Only KUA members can present papers at KUACON (Karnataka Urology Association annual CONference) except non-Urologists. Outsiders will have to become KUA members if they want to present paper and participate in the conference. This is applicable to urologists only.
Any person who is interested in the welfare of the Association may be elected as an Honorary Member by the General Body.
Termination of Membership:
Any member may resign from his membership by any time, by serving notice in writing to the Hon. Secretary. Such resignation shall not relieve the member from responsibility to pay any dues to the Association prior to cessation of membership.
The council shall have the power to terminate membership of any member, subject to ratification by the General Body by 2/3 majority of the members present. If:
- The material facts supplied in the application are incorrect
- He/she is guilty of unprofessional behaviour
- He/she is working against the interests of the KUA, provided the member concerned is offered full opportunity to present his/her case to the council
- Expelled from the KUA by the GBM on any other ground deemed fit
- On demise of the member
A member expelled under the aforesaid rules may be reinstated by a resolution passed at GBM.
The Officers of the KUA shall be President (1), President Elect (1), Hon. Secretary (1), Treasurer (1) and Council Members (4).
The Officers shall be elected at the GBM from a list of applied nominations submitted to the Hon. Secretary.
The term of office for the office bearers will be as follows:
- President - One year
- President Elect - One year, and will succeed as president in next year
- Secretary - Two years
- Treasurer - Two years
- Council Members - Two years. Two council members shall retire every year and another two shall be elected in their place.
- E.C. term of 1 year shall start from the time of handing over at Valedictory function of KUACON till next year handing over at KUACON
Financial year
Will be from April 1st to March 31st
Executive Council (Committee)
Shall consist of the above elected officer bearers along with the ex officio members: Immediate Past President and Immediate Past Hon. Secretary
- Shall constitute the executive authority of the KUA in all matters – scientific, business, financial or others
- Shall arrange for all the points of an Annual General Body Meeting
- Shall have powers for appointing any other sub-committee for any specified purpose. The sub-committee may include non E.C. full members and they shall submit written report in a time bound framework to E.C.
- Shall have powers to invest money of the Association with due regard to the existing laws, and no money shall be spent except with the authorization of the E.C.
- Shall meet at the call of the President, and 5 members shall constitute the quorum
- Shall meet at least once in every quarter of the calendar year
Council Meetings:
- All meetings shall be conducted according to the agenda prepared and circulated to members in advance
- If any member wants to discuss a topic not mentioned in the agenda, it can be taken up only after permission from the President.
- If the members are meeting personally, then all those present have to sign the register. As some council meetings may be held over Zoom or Google meet, those present in the meeting will be marked as Present by the secretary and the minutes of the meeting shall be signed by Hon. Secretary and / or President. If President is from different place, then minutes will be mailed to his email kuapresident@gmail.com and approval will be taken and the same will be noted in the register.
- Decisions shall be taken as far as possible by consensus. If a consensus is not reached, the president shall put the matter to vote, and record the number of members voting for and against, and based on simple majority, the decision will be taken. In the case of a tie, the President shall use his vote, which shall determine the outcome of the voting.
Elections to the Officers of E.C. shall be held at the time of the GBM. The nominations for the posts vacant for that year would be announced by the Hon. Secretary by his official email to all members of KUA 2 months prior to KUACON and last date of nomination would be 1 month before KUACON. The full member who wants to apply for these posts has to use the web portal http://kua.in/online-registration/ with individual login ID and password. And in the section “APPLY FOR KUA COUNCIL POST” necessary details need to be entered and submitted. All nominations need to be duly endorsed by 2 full members of KUA. Option for withdrawal of nomination will appear in the web portal after the last date of applying nominations and last date for withdrawal would be 15 days prior to KUACON.
- The past president KUA is the returning officer.
- E.C. post is available only for full members of KUA.
- President Elect: A KUA member can apply for nomination to this post of only if he/she has completed tenure of two years as Council Member / Secretary / Treasurer in the KUA
- Secretary: A KUA member can apply for nomination to this post of only if he/she has completed tenure of two years as Council Member / Treasurer in the KUA. In the absence of candidate with above criteria, then any full member can be appointed.
- A member can contest only for one post at a time
- Council members cannot propose or second any member for council post during their tenure.
- The Returning officer will scrutinize the applications and present the list of eligible candidates at GBM. If no such application is received for a particular post, nominations can be called from the floor at the time of the GBM. In case more members have applied to a post, after the withdrawal timelines, then elections will be held during KUACON, preferably on the same day of the GBM.
- The announcement for ballot paper voting need to be announced at least 1 week prior to KUACON and mailed to all KUA members through secretary email. The actual voting time to be at least for 4 hours (eg: 9 am to 1 pm). The election room location to be announced during the KUACON and should be ideally close to the main conference hall. The returning officer can put a roster for council team members to be present during the election. The returning officer decision is final in case any member is allowed or disallowed to vote. Only full members are allowed to vote. Once the KUA full member comes for voting, their KUA full membership has to be confirmed by the election officers and member has to sign on election attendance sheet which will have serial numbers, This is to avoid double voting.
- single Ballot paper will be given to each full member who comes for voting (even if more than 1 post vacant are available) and ballot paper has to be signed by any one of the council members / returning officer and Serial number of election attendance sheet has to be mentioned on it. For casting vote on the ballot paper, the member will be provided enclosed area where they have to tick their choice of candidate/s and after folding the paper, they have to come out of the enclosed area and put it in the ballot box provided. The counting will be done after the voting time is over and during counting 1 representative member may be present for each nominated candidate for free and fair poll counting. However nominated candidate will not be allowed inside during counting process. If the tick marks are not properly marked, that particular vote may be cancelled at the discretion of the returning officer. The results of new vacancies will be announced by the Returning officer during GBM.
- Vacancies of any office bearer arising before the election shall be managed by co-operation in the E.C.
- In case a council member does not attend 2 consecutive E.C. meetings without any valid reasons, then that person will be told to resign by E.C. and new person will be appointed in his place during next election
The association has a website www.kua.in wherein each member's data is saved and each member has a login ID and password. The secretary maintains the data of all the members in the website. He also uses the official email secretary.kua@gmail.com to send all notices about conferences, GBM and other updates in electronic format and printing of brochures and notices have been stopped as part of go green initiative. All members are also given option to join the KUA group Telegram app for day to day discussion of any matter.
General Body Meeting:
It shall be held in a year at the time Annual Conference as notified by the Hon. Secretary with the approval of the Council. Notice of such a meeting shall be sent to all members 30 days prior to the stipulated date of the GBM.
The E.C. shall have the powers to call for such other meeting of the General Body as may be necessary and it shall be called “Special General Body Meeting” with a notice of 7 days.
Apart from the above provision, 1/3 of the full members can call for a meeting which shall be called “Extraordinary General Body Meeting”.
The General Body shall be the ultimate authority in all matters relating to the administration of the Association. The protocol for GBM is noted in page http://www.kua.in/protocols.html
The agenda of the GBM shall be:
- To consider the report of the E.C.
- To consider the report of the Hon. Secretary, Treasurer, audited statement of accounts and the balance sheet.
- To approve or reject the admission of new members as recommended by the Executive Committee.
- To elect office bearers and members of the Executive Committee.
- To decide the venue of the forthcoming annual conference.
- To consider any other resolutions or amendments to the rules submitted by the members.
- Quorum for the meeting shall be constituted by 10 full members. If no quorum is found, the meeting shall be dissolved and reassembled after 15 minutes when no quorum is required.
- Resolutions and amendments to byelaws to be moved by any member shall be sent to the Secretary 15 clear days in advance of the GBM. Amendment to byelaws will require 2/3 majority vote of members present for approval.
The fees received as membership shall be deposited in such financial institute and in such a manner as the E.C. may decide provided that no part of such fees shall be utilized for expenses of the Association. The day to day administration of the Association shall be managed by the interest accrued from investment of such fees.
The Bank account of the Association shall be in a scheduled bank approved by the E.C. and transactions shall be carried out by the Treasurer. All cheques shall be drawn with the signature of at least two office bearers, one of whom should be the Treasurer, the second being either the Secretary or the President.
The Association shall build up its funds, and utilize it in such a manner and for such purposes, as the E.C. may decide from time to time.
All funds received by the Association for a specific purpose, shall be maintained in separate F.D. accounts for that specified objective only.
Any number not less than three-fourth of the members of the Society may determine that the Association shall be dissolved, and thereupon it shall be dissolved, for which, at the time then agreed upon, all necessary steps shall be taken for the disposal and settlement of property of the Association, its claims and liabilities. If upon dissolution or termination of the Association, there remains, after discharge of all the debts and liabilities, any property or funds whatsoever, they shall be given or transferred to an institution or institutions having similar objectives as the Association, which shall be decided by the votes of not less than 3/4 of the members of the group at the meeting at the time of dissolution.