(Kindly click the topic of interest to know more)
Protocol for conducting KUA programs
KUA Program report writing
KUA QUIZ Program
Date: DDMMYYYY, Week
Time: 8 AM to 8.30 AM
MCQ type 60 questions
Duration: 30 minutes
1. This quiz is to select KUA Associate members who will represent Karnataka in the forth coming ASU QUIZOMANIA to be held from DDMMYYYY to DDMMYYYY.
2. You must be KUA Associate member to participate in the quiz. If not a KUA associate member, you can register by clicking https://kua.in/online-registration/Registration2.php.
3. You will be sent the google quiz link at 7.55 am in the KUA telegram App. You must also have a gmail account to participate in the quiz. There will be a timer which will be visible to you and you need to click the submit button within the 30 min time.
4. The top four Associate Members (Post graduates) shall be selected for the ASU programme. Topper will be selected for south zone travelling fellowship, next three post graduates shall be selected for South zone quiz program. Another 4 members names will be mentioned as standby.
5. Selected Post graduates should register for the forth coming ASU conference
6. Link will be sent through the telegram app.
7. All 60 questions will be in 1 sheet one below the other. Select the correct choice and move to the next question. You can change the choice before pressing the submit button at the end.
8. There will be no negative marking.
9. You need to mention the email id registered with KUA, and mention the KUA associate ID number. If you do not remember KUA id you can mention your KUA registered mobile phone.
10. Only KUA associate members who will be giving their final M.Ch or DrNB exams after MM YYYY shall be selected as they have to participate in the south zone ASU travelling activities within six months. However all post graduates can participate
11.Good bandwidth internet and uninterrupted net connections are mandatory
12. Results will be announced in the KUA telegram app and on the KUA website.
13. If there is a tie between 2 candidates, the person who finishes first (time management) shall be declared winner.
14. Request HOD's to tell their post graduates to participate.
Protocol for abstract submission, Devon travelling fellowship Pre-assessment credit, Davanagere PG symposium write up
Dear members of KUA,
KUACON....(year) will be held at ...........… city on ....date/month/year.
Kindly also visit www.kuacon....(year).com for registration and other details.
Scientific material can be sent under the following categories.The guidelines are available on the KUA website, www.kua.in
Participants are requested to enter into their member login area using the password provided and enter the abstract on the appropriate section on the dashboard.
Author guidelines for submitting abstracts :
a. In the abstract body: Do not mention your name, institution and place details. These are automatically captured as you are submitting these with your KUA login. The abstracts will have to be sent for reviewers blinding the name and institution details. If these details are mentioned in the abstract body it will lead to disqualifying your paper.
b. If you have applying for a particular award, say Dr. Dilip Adappa, do not apply the same paper for under other category (free paper or poster or video). If you apply the same paper in 2 categories, both your abstracts (in 2 categories) will be automatically disqualified.
c. The abstracts will be reviewed by scientific committee and if the award category abstract is rejected, it will automatically be sent to free paper category for consideration. Rarely, if abstract does not get the qualifying mark (50%) sent by reviewers, it may be rejected even for free category (paper/poster/video).
d. Do not submit the paper, multiple times in the same category. If you want confirmation that your abstract has been received or not – mail it to secretary, who will confirm the same. In case you have submitted and want to edit before the last date of submission, then 1st ask secretary to delete the previous submission and then upload the edited version.
e. Please note abstracts should be in plain text and should not include tables, pictures or videos
f. If applying under video category paper, please write the abstract in the video category in the dashboard and mention that video file will be sent to secretary phone number in telegram app.
Applications are invited from postgraduates for pre-assessment credit for Devon Travelling Fellowship....(year). Kindly login to your membership to submit your details of presentations, awards and publications. Copies of these should be compulsorily attached to get necessary credit. The last date of submission is .......date/month/year.
All postgraduates are invited to participate in the qualifying round for Davangere Post graduate Symposium. The topic for the write up, to be submitted through your member login is ".......................... ". Last date of submission is.....date/month/year
Those who are unable to send abstracts in the above format or for any queries, kindly contact the KUA Secretary atsecretary.kua@gmail.com or whatsapp/telegram on ……….. (mobile number)
Important dates
Abstract submission open from: ...... date/month/year
Abstract submission deadline: ...... date/month/year
KUACON.....(year): ......date/month/year
Thanks and regards
KUA Council
Dear members of KUA,
Applications are invited for the following posts of KUA Council for the year ......
1. President Elect
2. Secretary (if any)
3. Treasurer (if any)
4. Council member (number of posts)
Interested members of the association have to apply online through member login area and follow the instructions in the “Apply for KUA council post” in the website login page. The same is restricted to full members only.
Last date for application is .....date/month/year.
Last date for withdrawal is .....date/month/year
The rules and regulations of the Association shall apply.
Hon Secretary
Karnataka Urology Association
Dear Sir,
I am hereby attaching the abstracts received for the following category:
Kindly evaluate the same and put your marks (1-10) on the sheet attached, and mail the same to me at the earliest
Thanks and regards
Hon. Secretary
Karnataka Urology Association
Abstract screening, marks 1-10
Abstract no. |
Abstract title |
Score |
Dear member of KUA
We are pleased to inform you that your paper / poster / video based on your abstract has been accepted by the programme committee of KUACON ….(year), place.
Title: ……
Category: …..
Looking forward to meet you at KUACON.
Best wishes
Hon Secretary
Karnataka Urology Association
Dear Sir
As discussed, we are happy and honoured to confirm your presence as Moderator / and Judge for the ……. session at KUACON …. (year), place.
The venue is Hall … …AM / PM to …. AM / PM, ….day, …..date / month / year
We request you to kindly note the same in your calendar and make it convenient to attend. We also request you to kindly adhere to the allotted time (…+ … minutes per …..).
Kindly intimate us if in any case, you may not be able to attend the program.
The abstracts as attached below.
Looking forward to meet you at KUACON
Thanks and regards
Hon Secretary
Karnataka Urology Association
attach all abstracts for the session and scientific brochure
Dear Sir
As discussed, we are happy to confirm your participation in …… at KUACON ….(year), place
The venue is Hall … …AM / PM to …. AM / PM, ….day, …..date / month / year
We request you to kindly note the same in your calendar and make it convenient to attend. We also request you to kindly adhere to the allotted time (…+ … minutes per …..).
Looking forward to meet you at KUACON
Thanks and regards
Hon Secretary
Karnataka Urology Association
attach abstracts for the session and scientific brochure
See previous conference brochure to get an overview
Presidents and Organizing Chairman’s message
All the fixed programs should be there in the scientific schedule
Select moderators in advance, give representation to all areas of the state and all age groups
Give gap between two sessions for changeover
Try to keep inaugural function just before lunch to allow spillover to lunchtime if it exceeds time schedule
Intimate author and moderators / and judges in advance
A copy of the abstracts in various categories should be done and handed over to organizing committee for souvenir
Get the certificates of author and moderators printed by the organizing committee before the conference, with their names, place, title and category of presentation. Confirm if it is a e- certificate or hard copy.
Confirm their participation on the day of the scientific session
If author is not available, make alternate arrangements wherever possible
If moderator not available, make alternate arrangements wherever possible
Keep copy of scientific program on the moderator / and judges table
Keep the evaluation sheets on the moderator and judges table
Inform moderator / and judges to maintain time as in scientific program
Announcement by Secretary, KUA or announcer should be “We invite Dr …., Dr…., Dr…. on stage and start the proceedings of .……. session”
The moderator / and judge after being seated should invite the author to make the presentation of his topic as in title.
Keep timer and bell with announcer to keep alarm during author’s presentation
Timer should be visible to presenters and moderators / and judges
No mementos to be given to moderators after session
Make council members conduct programs in parallel halls if there is such an arrangement.
Manipal Best Published Paper Award
Selection criteria for one publication. (Add for more than one).
Author and Journal criteria
Judging committee: President KUA, Hon. Secretary KUA and HOD, K.M.C. Manipal. In case of equal marks obtained by more than one candidate, the judging committee will decide the winner based on the quality of the paper and their decision will be final.
Judges sheet:
Author name |
Points |
Where ever there is a registered local city chapter / Forum / Society, the application has to be signed by President and Hon. Secretary of the association and sent through their Hon. Secretary email mentioning that they would like to host the KUACON. Ideally this has to be passed in their council meet or GBM of the society.
If there is no such registered body in the city, then at least 2 members of which 1 will be senior member of the place should sign the letter.
1. Local organisation have to open new conference bank account (preferably in nationalized banks) using KUA PAN Card and use KUA GST number. They need to activate QR code based payments for ease of registration of delegates. The funds in this account have to be used only for KUACON related activities (credits and debits).
In case the local organisations have their own account and GST, we insist they open a separate account for the purpose of KUACON using KUA PAN and GST.
Keeping the bills and payments updated will be the responsibility of the local treasurer. They need to pay the GST amount collected from conference registrations and pharma sponsors on a monthly basis after consulting with KUA auditor. The audited financials has to be presented in the next KUACON GBM by the organizing team member. If there are excess credits from the conference audited accounts, at least 50% need to be transferred to the parent organisation, i.e., KUA SB account and the rest can be transferred to the local organisation accounts, if any. If there is no local organization account then all credit will need to be transferred to KUA SB account. After the amounts are transferred, local organization should close the conference account and intimate the KUA Council and KUA general body (as this account was opened with KUA PAN Card).
2. Complimentary registrations:
a. USI president and Hon. Secretary, in case they attend
b. ASU (South zone) President and Hon. Secretary (KUA Hon. Secretary has to officially invite them)
c. Orators for Prof. P. Venugopal and MP Raju Mysogus Endowment Lecture
d. Guest faculty: if we have invited from outside our state and not KUA member.
Note: All KUA members including President and Hon. Secretary have to register for KUACON
3. Accommodation:
For the above mentioned 2. a, b, c and KUA President and Hon. Secretary have to be taken care by local organisation
4. Conference Venue:
Venue should be inspected and finalized by the KUA Council members along with local organization. This needs to be done well in advance of KUACON.
5. KMC CME credit points:
Local organization has to apply for CME credit points and this procedure is completely online now in KMC website. The delegate/ faculty certificates have to be printed by Local organization team with 5 signatories: KUA President, KUA Hon. Secretary, Organising Chairman, Organising Secretary and signature of KMC observer.
6. The entire local organisation should work together under Org. Chairman and Org. Secretary in co-ordination with KUA Council so that conference is well organised and runs smoothly
7. Pharma sponsors may be subdivided as platinum, gold, silver, bronze sponsors and allotted stalls as per their contribution. If USI or South zone (ASU) is asking for stall for their conference registration, it is given as complimentary.
8. Registration desk has to be supervised by organizing team members so that any delegates issues is sorted out in priority.
9. During tea break in between sessions, it is better to have 2 to 3 separate counters to avoid long queues.
10. During lunch break also, see that adequate counters are arranged (based on registration numbers) so that delegates can finish lunch and come back to attend scientific sessions within time.
11. Do not open separate social media groups for KUACON registered delegates. Please use the KUA telegram group for all communications. Only for non-KUA members, use other social media group to pass on information.
12. Registration for KUACON will be done through KUA member login for all KUA members. And for Non KUA members, a Google form link will be created and they can fill the same. The organizing committee will be given a separate login in KUA website by Hon. Secretary to look into registered delegate list.
Intimate author and moderators / and judges in advance
A copy of the abstracts in various categories should be done and handed over to organizing committee for souvenir
Get the certificates of author and moderators printed by the organizing committee before the conference, with their names, place, title and category of presentation. Confirm if it is a e- certificate or hard copy.
Confirm their participation on the day of the scientific session
If author is not available, make alternate arrangements wherever possible
If moderator not available, make alternate arrangements wherever possible
Keep copy of scientific program on the moderator / and judges table
Keep the evaluation sheets on the moderator and judges table
Inform moderator / and judges to maintain time as in scientific program
Announcement by Secretary, KUA or announcer should be “We invite Dr …., Dr…., Dr…. on stage and start the proceedings of .……. session”
The moderator / and judge after being seated should invite the author to make the presentation of his topic as in title.
Keep timer and bell with announcer to keep alarm during author’s presentation
Timer should be visible to presenters and moderators / and judges
No mementos to be given to moderators after session
Make council members conduct programs in parallel halls if there is such an arrangement.
PROTOCOL FOR Davangere PG symposium
The Hon. Secretary will put serial number and send the text sent by PG to the moderator. The moderator will allot marks out of total 100 and send the marks list to the Hon. Secretary. The Hon. Secretary, will then send the name, mobile and email ID of the top 4 post graduates to the moderator.
The moderator has to write back to Hon. Secretary with 4 topics on a subject of interest. This needs to be approved by KUA Council before allotting to the PGs. These 4 topics need to be allotted by moderator to the PG.
Time allotted: Total 1 hour (xx am to xx am) on dd-mm-yyyy in Hall A.
Moderator is also responsible for the presentation of the PG's, to fine tune them, so that they do not end up just reading the prepared slides.
Moderator to start with brief introduction, why he/she selected the topic (5 min) And invite one by one the 4 PG's. The time for each PG’s talk is 10 minutes (4 x 10 = 40 min) At the end moderator again to summarize (5 min)
This would be followed by Question from the floor (10 minutes). Moderator will tell which PG has to answer that question, based on their topic presented. A panel of 3 judges will select the winner out of the 4 PG’s
The announcement of the winner would be done by Hon. Secretary at the time of Valedictory function.
The prize money of Rs 5000, would be sent by NEFT to the winning candidate. And certificate for the winner has to be collected during inauguration of next conference.
The moderator and 4 PG's will be given certificate at the end of the symposium by Hon. Secretary.
Prof. P. Venugopal was born on 14 February 1940. He obtained his MBBS degree in December 1961, from the Medical College, Pondicherry (Madras University). His MS degree in General Surgery came on his birthday, in the year 1966 from Medical College and Hospital, Trivandrum (Kerala University). Later, he did super speciality training in Urology at Christian Medical College Vellore under Prof. H.S. Bhat, the doyen of Indian Urology and obtained the M.Ch degree in March 1968 from the Madras University.
After a short stint as Senior Lecturer in Urology at CMC Hospital, Vellore (April 1968 – Aug 1970) he proceeded to U.K on a senior Commonwealth fellowship for training in pediatric urology [Sept 1970 – Sept 1971]. In October 1971, he joined Kasturba Medical College, Manipal as reader in Urology. He started the Department of Urology here and developed into one of the best centers of Urology in the country. He was Professor and Head of this Department since 1974 till premature retirement in June 1993.
The M.Ch Urology training started by him here is the first ever higher training program in the state of Karnataka. He trained 26 candidates here, who are spread all over the country doing quality Urology work. The Department had independent floor space for Urology with all lab facilities, four operation theatres, ESWL suite and 116 beds.
He is an active member of the Urological Society of India since its inception and has held the following positions in the society:
1. Governing Council Member (October 1977 – 1978)
2. Hon. Treasurer (October 1978 - 1980)
3. Vice President (October 1980 - 1982)
4. President (October 1982 - 1984)
5. Hon. Treasurer, Indian Journal of Urology (Oct 1984 - Dec 1992)
6. Chairman, Editorial committee of Indian Journal of Urology (Dec 1992 - Jan 2000)
He was instrumental in commencing the Indian Journal of Urology during his presidential year (1984). He conducted the Annual Conference of Urological Society of India at Manipal in 1982 which was unprecedented in quality and conduct, remembered as the Manipal Conference even today by those who attended it.
He was awarded the Urology gold medal for contributions to Urology in October 1986. He delivered the prestigious Dr HimadriSarkar oration at the annual conference of Urological Society of India in October 1986 at Vijayawada.
He delivered Dr. Pinnamaneni oration at annual conference of Urology Society of India in December 1992.
He also has held the following offices:
1. Founder Honorary Secretary, Karnataka State Chapter of Association Surgeons of India (Oct 1981 - Mar 1985)
2. Chairman, Karnataka State Chapter of Association Surgeons of India (Mar 1986 - Mar 1987)
3. Governing Council member of Association Surgeons of India (Jan 1988 - Dec 1990)
He has delivered the following prestigious orations:
1. Prof. H. S. Bhat oration of Karnataka State Chapter of Association Surgeons of India Annual Conference - March 1985
2. Dr. Ramaiah oration of APSAUGUS - December 1993.
3. U.A.K oration of Urological Association of Kerala - Jan 1994.
4. Prof. H.S. Bhat oration at the South Zone Urology Conference at Mangaluru - Aug 1997.
He has introduced and nurtured the following awards:
1. Prof. H.S. Bhat oration, Karnataka State Chapter of Association Surgeons of India
2. Prof. C.K.P. Menon memorial award for the best paper at Annual Conference, Urology Society of India
3. Dr. Seetharaman memorial essay prize at the Annual Conference, Urology Society of India.
He has been an examiner for M.Ch Urology and Dib N B Urology at all Universities and centres in the country. He has given innumerable lectures at various forums all over the country. He was also the emeritus Prof. and HOD, Dept. of Urology at K.L.E Society’s Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Belgaum (June 1999 - May 2001). He commenced the M.Ch Urology at the K.L.E Society’s Hospital, Belgaum in June 2000. He has served as Senior Consultant in Urology at University Medical Centre, Mangalore from May 2001 to Dec 2001. He was Senior Consultant in Urology at Unity Health Complex, Mangalore from Dec 2001 - June 2006.
He passed away on 31st July 2023. He is survived by his son, Dr Anand Venugopal, Professor in Radio diagnosis, KMC Mangalore
The Inaugural ceremony time has to be fixed by the organizing committee in consultation with KUA Council and will be presided by the President KUA. All council members are expected to be present.
The order is:
Welcome of the dignitaries on the dais would be President KUA who would be seated in the centre (exception when the Governor/ Head of the State Presides), the Chief Guest, Guest of Honour, President ASU (if any), Secretary KUA, President Local Urology Body (if any), Dean (if any), Organizing Chairman, Organizing Secretary
This annual competition is open to any member of the KUA, full or associate, and post graduates in Urology (M.Ch or Dip N B). The video must be in the field of Urology or any ancillary discipline, contributing to the practice of Urology. The material being presented in the video should not have been presented at any other forum, either in the form of a publication, paper, poster or video etc. The video should preferably be the work of one author or department and written by him. In case of collaborative work, a certificate from the others, stating the author’s major contribution should accompany the same. All videos to be considered for the award, should specifically state, that the video is for the NU Hospitals best video prize. The video must reach the Secretary of KUA before the last date. The video is to be submitted only in Windows media player compatible format through WeTransfer, on www.wetransfer.com to the email of secretary of KUA, secretary.kua@gmail.com. A brief abstract should be also be submitted through member login area. Those who are unable to do so, a VCD/DVD as hard copy, with the form and same deadlines apply. This is to be sent to the correspondence address of the Secretary.
The selection for the podium presentation will be done based on a rank list after a preliminary screening process, where the videos will be sent by the Secretary to 4 independent reviewers, by a blinded process.
Evaluation sheets will be given to the 3 judges to select the winner based on objective criteria. No judge should be from the same institute as any of the candidate.
The secretary/Council member will total the evaluation sheets separately after the session to select the winner.
The winner will be awarded a certificate and cash prize of Rs 5,000 during the inaugural ceremony of the next conference.
Abstract no. |
Abstract title |
Score |
Presenters name |
Originality and creativity |
Organisation of content, knowledge of material |
Fluency and oral presentation |
Completing within time allotted and overall presentation |
Answering to questions if any |
Total |
This annual competition is open to any member of the KUA, full or associate, and post graduates in Urology (M.Ch or Dip N B). The paper must be in the field of Urology or any ancillary discipline, contributing to the practice of Urology. The material being presented in the paper should not have been presented at any other forum, either in the form of a publication, paper, poster or video etc. The paper should preferably be the work of one author or department and written by him. In case of collaborative work, a certificate from the others, stating the author’s major contribution should accompany the paper. All papers to be considered for the award, should specifically state that the paper is for the Dr.DilipAdappa Best Paper award. The abstracts of the paper, must reach the office of the Secretary of KUA, before the last date.
The selection for the podium presentation will be done based on a rank list after a preliminary screening process, where the papers will be sent by the Secretary to 4 independent reviewers, by a blinded process.
Evaluation sheets will be given to the 3 judges to select the winner based on objective criteria. No judge should be from the same institute as any of the candidate.
The secretary/Council member will total the evaluation sheets separately after the session to select the winner based on the maximum score from the 3 sheets.
The winner will be awarded a certificate and cash prize of Rs 5,000 during the inaugural ceremony of the next conference.
The winner’s certificate and the 3 participants’ certificate should be collected before the inaugural ceremony from the organizing secretary of the previous year KUACON.
Preliminary screening, marks 1-10
Abstract no. |
Abstract title |
Score |
Judges sheet (10 marks for each criteria, maximum 50 marks)
Presenters name |
Originality and creativity |
Organisation of content, knowledge of material |
Fluency and oral presentation |
Completing within time allotted and overall presentation |
Answering to questions if any |
Total |
The GBM agenda is as follows
One fellowship will be awarded every year. All postgraduate students who are undergoing training for the M.Ch/Dip N B Urology degrees, who are also members of Karnataka Urology Association are eligible to apply.
Selection will be based on the total of marks obtained in the following categories: Pre- assessment credit 15 marks and MCQ’s 60 marks.
Pre-assessment credit - Maximum 15 marks for past awards, presentation and publications.
The candidates who do not apply for pre-assessment will lose the marks. Also it has to be submitted before the last day which will be informed. Those who submit after the last day will also be not considered.
The scanned copies of the above documents are to be sent online through member login area. Once you send this online, also send the details to secretary e-mail as a back-up, who will check if the same is received in admin login and intimate either received or not. If not received, he will guide you what is to be done.
MCQ in Urology at postgraduate level - total 60 marks for 30 questions. This MCQ test will be conducted during the annual conference of the KUA. Each correct answer will get 2 marks. The candidate will be given a pre-printed answer paper template and answers are to be written as either A, B, C D or all the above. Phrases or sentences as answers are to be avoided. The candidate will not write the name or sign in the answer paper and will write his/her KUA ID only and if he/she does not remember KUA ID, will write the conference registration ID. Revealing the name or signature will debar the candidate from winning.
The moderator will give the top 7 candidates list from the MCQ’s test to secretary/council member. Then pre-assessment score of these candidates will be shown to the Moderator (after the Quiz), and after adding the 2 scores, the winner will be decided based on the total marks.
The winner can travel to an Institution of his choice for a period upto 15 days, which should be communicated to the Hon. Secretary, who in turn will communicate to the Head of Department of the candidate and to the Institution where he is travelling.
The winner will be awarded a certificate and cash prize of Rs 10,000 during the inaugural ceremony of the next conference. The cash prize will be given only after he submits his attendance certificate.
The certificate should be collected before the inaugural ceremony by the Secretary, KUA from the organizing secretary of the previous year KUACON.
If you don’t remember the KUA ID, mention your conference ID: |
Do don’t reveal your name anywhere in the answer paper |
Question no |
Answer |
In case you want to change the answer, cut it in previous column and write it here |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
This annual competition is open to any member of KUA, full or associate, and post graduates in Urology (M.Ch or Dip N B). The poster must be in the field of Urology or any ancillary discipline, contributing to the practice of Urology. The material being presented in the poster should not have been presented at any other forum in the form of a publication, paper presentation, poster or video etc. The poster should preferably be the work of one author or department and written by them. In case of collaborative work, a certificate from the others, stating the author’s major contribution should accompany the paper. All posters to be considered for the award should specify that the poster is for the Bangalore Medical College Best Poster prize. The abstracts of the poster, must reach the office of the Secretary of KUA, before the last date. The poster size should be 4x3ft if in physical form or an e poster as per the conference rules and a podium presentation also has to be done.
The selection for the podium presentation will be done based on a rank list after a preliminary screening process, where the papers will be sent by the Secretary to 4 independent reviewers, by a blinded process.
Evaluation sheets will be given to the 3 judges to select the winner based on objective criteria. No judge should be from the same institute as any of the candidate.
The Secretary/Council member will total the evaluation sheets separately after the session to select the winner.
The winner will be awarded a certificate and cash prize of Rs 5,000 during the inaugural ceremony of the next conference.
Abstract screening, marks 1-10
Abstract no. |
Abstract title |
Score |
Judges sheet (10 marks for each criteria, maximum 50 marks)
Presenters name |
Originality and creativity |
Organisation of content, knowledge of material |
Fluency and oral presentation |
Completing within time allotted and overall presentation |
Answering to questions if any |
Total |
BijapurUro-quiz is held every year during the annual State Urology Conference of KUA. This annual competition is open to any member of the KUA, full or associate, and post graduates in Urology (M.Ch or Dip N B). It is a MCQ based assessment is usually prepared and conducted by one of the senior members of KUA.
The moderator will give details of the winner and runner up names to the Secretary.
The candidate will not write his name, but will use his/her KUA ID number and in case he does not remember KUA ID, he/she can use conference registration number. Those who write the name are likely to be rejected.
The winner and runner up will be awarded a certificate and cash prize of Rs 4,000 and Rs 5,000 respectively during the inaugural ceremony of the next conference.
The certificates for 1st and 2nd prize should be collected before the inaugural ceremony by the Secretary, KUA from the organizing secretary of the previous year KUACON.
BIJAPUR URO-QUIZ Answer paper template |
If you don’t remember the KUA ID, mention your conference ID: |
Do don’t reveal your name anywhere in the answer paper |
Question no |
Answer |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Dear members of KUA
We sincerely thank you for attending KUACON .... (year). We thank the speakers and moderators for their participation too. We are also grateful to the organizing committee of KUACON .... (year) for their untiring efforts.
The award winners in various categories in KUACON ……(year) are:
The list of office bearers for the year …. are:
We are pleased to announce that the next conference of our association, KUACON …. (year) will be held in …. (place).
I thank the President and all the members of KUA council for their support and participation in the various programs throughout the year.
Hon. Secretary, KUA
President handing over
At valedictory – Chest badge with magnetic strip and Presidential medal. (After the valedictory program the chest badges with magnetic strip to be given to secretary for safe custody and secretary will bring it during next KUACON)
Later: Email handover: kuapresident@gmail.com which needs mobile number to be changed with OTP, password and photo to be changed
President rubber seal to be given to new president
Secretary handing over
At valedictory – Chest badge with magnetic strip. (After the valedictory program the chest badges with magnetic strip to be given to secretary for safe custody and secretary will bring it during next KUACON)
Later: Email handover secretary.kua@gmail.com which needs mobile number to be changed with OTP, password and photo to be changed Secretary rubber seal to be given to new Secretary
KUA website secretary.kua@gmail.com login details to be handed over and to have few physical or online sessions to apprise the new secretary how the secretary.kua@gmail.com login works for new member’s applications, and all other functions in the dash board of secretary.
Secretary ledger book: This is used to take signatures of members attending GBM and writing the minutes of the GBM and council meetings. This is also handed over to next secretary. At the end of each year, it is safer to take pictures of this book and make a PDF file and save in secretary / president email as this book is lost most often.
Treasurer handing over
At valedictory – Chest badge with magnetic strip. (After the valedictory program the chest badges with magnetic strip to be given to secretary for safe custody and secretary will bring it during next KUACON)
Mobile of treasurer to be handed over which is linked to bank and GST
Treasurer rubber seal to be given to new treasurer
Later: Email handover treasurer.kua@gmail.com which needs password and photo to be changed.
KUA PAN card, All the ITR and auditor copies of previous years, bank pass book, FD receipts, if any, Cheque book, society registration certificates to be handed over to the new treasurer.
Council member handing over
At valedictory – Chest badge with magnetic strip. (After the valedictory program the chest badges with magnetic strip to be given to secretary for safe custody and secretary will bring it during next KUACON)
GBM minutes writing guidelines
To be done by the Hon. Secretary of the previous KUACON. He can take help of any council member, if needed, in preparing the minutes.
1. Start with date and time, venue details
2. Attendance: Members name with place
3. GBM agenda to be pasted as was presented in GBM
4. Then mention agenda wise
Every page of GBM document should have a KUA logo on the left top end. And the pages to have page numbers in the footer part in the pattern eg: “page 1 of 10”
At the end to be signed by the President and Hon. Secretary along with respective KUA seals (those who presided the GBM)
Co-operative Society Registration