Protocol Index

(Kindly click the topic of interest to know more)

  1. Protocol for conducting KUA programs
  2. KUA Program report writing
  3. Protocol for conducting Mock exams
  4. KUA Quiz program


  1. Protocol for abstract submission, Devon travelling fellowship Pre-assessment credit, Davanagere PG symposium write up
  2. Protocol for announcing KUA Council posts for the year
  3. Protocol for sending abstracts to ‘abstracts review committee’ for KUACON
  4. Protocol for sending acceptance letter for scientific program during KUACON
  5. Protocol for sending letter to moderator/ and judge for various scientific sessions at KUACON after scientific program done
  6. Protocol for sending letter to presenters in various scientific sessions at KUACON after scientific program done
  7. Protocol to make KUACON scientific brochure
  8. Protocol for conducting various scientific sessions at KUACON
  9. Manipal best published paper award protocol
  10. Application to host KUACON
  11. For local organizing committee


  1. Protocol for conducting various scientific sessions at KUACON
  2. Davangere PG symposium
  3. Prof P. Venugopal oration protocol
  4. Dr. M. P. Raju Mysogus endowment lecture protocol
  5. Inaugural ceremony protocol
  6. NU Hospitals best video award protocol
  7. Dilip Adappa best paper award protocol
  8. General body meeting protocol
  9. Devon travelling fellowship protocol
  10. BMC best poster prize protocol
  11. Bijapur Uro-Quiz Protocol
  12. Valedictory function protocol
  13. Protocol for announcement of thanks, winners, new office bearers, and next KUACON
  14. Hand over to new office bearers


  1. Writing GBM minutes
  2. Get report of KUACON with photos from Organizing Secretary
  3. Award winners in various categories to be updated in Secretary admin login as per each category
  4. Orators name an topic to be updated in Secretary admin login as per each category
  5. Update present office bearers for the current year in Secretary admin login
  6. Delete all the abstracts under various categories of papers, posters, videos, published paper
  7. Delete the nominations for council posts for the previous year
  8. Get the Winners certificates from the organizing secretary of KUACON. To be given during next year KUACON inauguration ceremony.
  9. Co-operative Society Registration